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Thursday, February 22, 2007
SEO - Meta Tags
Let's recap what needs to be done before you attempt to create meta keyword tags:

* Choose the relevant keywords.
* Write the site's content based on these keywords.
* Create a title tag using the same keywords.
* Create a meta description tag as a marketing sentence, also based on these keywords.

Once you do the above things properly, putting together your meta keyword tag is a very simple procedure.

I usually begin putting the keywords I used in the title of my page in the meta keyword tag. The first words in any tag are assumed to be given more weight, so these are most important. Then I go through each paragraph of text on the page and take any important phrases that might be used in the copy and paste them into the meta keyword tag. I usually separate the phrases with a comma and no space. This is simply a personal preference. Using no commas at all in this tag is basically the same thing, since most engines appear to treat commas as a space. After I get every important word or phrase from the text on the page, I add some common misspellings of some of these same words. I know for a fact that in the past, this could bring some traffic from some engines.

This meta tag is usually placed beneath the title and meta description tags in the <HEAD></HEAD> section of your pages' HTML code, like this:
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="keyword rich marketing sales pitch meta description">
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="keywords,go here,separated by a comma,but not a space">

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posted by WebTeks @ 7:49 PM  
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