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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Download Free .Net Ebooks
Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET
Ajax is a set of technologies that will revolutionize the way that web-based applications are designed. It revolutionizes the way that applications are used, provides users a responsive application, and provides developers with the alternatives for buildi

ASP.NET Cookbook, 2nd Edition
Completely revised for ASP.NET 2.0, this new edition of the best-selling ASP.NET Cookbook has everything you need to go from beginning to advanced Windows-based web site development using Microsoft's popular Visual Studio 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 developer to

C# Practical Guide to Programmer
To describe all minutiae of the C# language or to indulge in all facets of the .NET Framework would require a tome or two. Yet the authors realize that experienced software programmers are not looking to plough through extraneous detail but are focused on

Pro .Net 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C#
The book is divided into four parts: code, design, patterns, and references. The code part of the book discusses code policy, structure, development, and documentation. The design part of the book discusses code from a design-policy, structure, development

Learning C# 2005
If you're a novice programmer and you want to learn C#, there aren't many books that will guide you. Most C# books are written for experienced C++ and Java programmers.

Accelerated C# 2005
Visual C# .NET (C#) is relatively easy to learn for anyone familiar with another object-oriented language. Even someone familiar with Visual Basic 6.0

C# 2.0 The Complete Reference, Second Edition
Building on the strong foundation that it inherits, C# adds several important innovations that advance the art of programming. For example, C# includes delegates, properties, indexers, and events as language elements. It also adds syntax that supports att

Dot NET 2.0 Interoperability Recipes A Problem Solution Approach
It is difficult or impossible to immediately throw out all existing code and start over when a new technology arrives. That’s the situation with Microsoft .NET. It represents a new and improved way of developing software for the Windows platform. And, giv

C# Developer’s Headstart
This book introduced me to C# and I found it to be an excellent read. It is filled with lots of interesting and useful information. Coming from a Java and C++ background I was already familiar with OOP and this book goes over many differences between the

Oreilly Programming Atlas
Learn how to deliver richer, more interactive web experiences to your users using ASP.NET "Atlas," Microsoft's new framework for building Ajax-savvy web sites. Web developers of all persuasions have embraced the Ajax suite of technologies (Javascript, HTT

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